All things forestry, housing, and climate related. If you’d like to share some news with us please feel free to email
In many areas of Wales affordable housing is a real issue. Second and holiday home purchases, and difficulty in obtaining planning permission keep many locals off the housing ladder- often forcing them to leave the area completely 🙁
Interestingly in Yorkshire affordable homes have just been given the go ahead on the basis of need. Maybe something for Welsh planning authorities to consider in the future? (PAYWALLED)
Housing stock in Wales is also very thermally inefficient, especially in industrial and post industrial areas dominated by terrace housing. In fact, Wales has some of the oldest housing stock in Europe.
Good to see what is happening in Glasgow, with funds for retrofitting
In the Orkney local needs are being met with energy efficient housing:
While we are all for innovation it would be good to know what readers of our blog make of forest carbon credits!? Will this encourage more carbon capture, or just allow polluters to greenwash? (Complimentary 12 month access on signing up)
A nice idea for re-wilding and natural tree growth in England- but the devil will be in the detail!
Should eco-homes have work from home office space included as standard? We need to commute less, so is this a good move?
Tiny Homes for the Homeless? Getting homeless people a home is vital, but any Tiny Homes should be high quality.